Bondi RP

Join Bondi Roleplay community on FiveM and experience endless new roleplay opportunities!


General Rules
  1. (G1.1) Random Vehicle Death Match (RVDM)
    Using your vehicle as a weapon (Running players over, causing explosions, ramming player vehicles) without a valid roleplay reason is considered RVDM
  2. (G1.2) Random Death Match (RDM)
    Attacking another player without engaging in any form of quality roleplay is considered RDM. (eg. Giving enough time for them to comply with your order. “Put your hands up or I will shoot” and countdowns are not considered quality roleplay, please at least attempt to create an interesting roleplay story before considering violence.)
  3. (G1.3) Baiting
    Taking deliberate actions to create a scenario where you get chased or engaged with, especially to cause a firefight. Examples: Robbing a service station with the intent of a gunfight, deliberately committing crimes in front of the police, swearing at a group of gang members.
  4. (G1.4) Spam
    Do not spam the OOC chat, /me or Tweedle
  5. (G1.5) Powergaming
    Forcing a scenario where no matter the roleplay of the other party you will win. Example: Roleplaying superpowers, roleplaying fatal injuries when they were only minor to avoid roleplaying with the emergency services, sealing buildings with cars to prevent entrance of other players, using knowledge of the rules within roleplay.
  6. (G1.6) Being In Character
    What happens in Roleplay needs to stay within Roleplay. Do not bring in character issues outside of the game, likewise do not bring your real life issues with other players into the game. You ARE NOT your character and they ARE NOT you.
RolePlay Rules
  1. (G2.1) Microphone
    Microphones are required on Bondi RP servers.
  2. (G2.2) Language
    All players are required to be able to speak English, and should do so while communicating with players outside of their group. Roleplaying as a speaker of another language is allowed, however please consider that when speaking to other players they may only understand English.
  3. (G2.3) Roleplay Everything
    You must remain in character at all times, unless a uniformed Admin authorises you to speak out of character.
  4. (G2.4) Value of Life
    At all times you are to value your life, if you are clearly outnumbered or at an obvious disadvantage you should comply with demands
  5. (G2.6) OOC Help
    OOC chat is for help only, extended OOC interactions are forbidden
  6. (G2.7) OOC Roleplay
    You must not use OOC chat to broadcast events that you observe for example, you may not broadcast "X are going to rob the bank".
  7. (G2.8) In-game Communications
    When your communication devices have been taken from you by another player, you must not use external methods or your phone to communicate with anyone else. Only ingame VOIP is to be used in this case.
  8. (G2.9) Transferring Items/Money
    Transferring money or items between your own characters is not allowed by any method.